Tag Archives: Brent Littlefield
Kavanaugh, campaigns and catching up on Maine politics after the long Labor Day weekend
Gun talk continues to shape Maine Democrats’ race to replace LePage
Maine election officials are still scrambling to unravel ranked-choice voting
Tuesday offered a glimmer of hope for solar energy fans on a dark day for other bills
Maine political parties keep raking in cash, but LePage’s PAC folds
Shawn Moody looks to ride outside lane in GOP primary to replace LePage
A Maine polling outfit shares a look at what could happen on Election Day
Why Maine will likely vote again on ranked-choice elections
Republicans send reinforcements for LePage’s campaign against Medicaid expansion
Good morning from Augusta, where a group of Republicans is expected to express concern about the wording of Maine’s 2017 Medicaid expansion referendum on Tuesday, showing that it’s not going to go unanswered in the public domain. Former Maine Republican Party Chairman Rick Bennett, Rep. Heather Sirocki, R-Scarborough, and other elected officials will be headlining […]