Tag Archives: Jeff Flake
Susan Collins faces her most pressure-packed vote since Clinton impeachment
Obama endorsements, spending spikes highlight high-stakes Maine races
Maine Republicans play Trump card in uphill battle to unseat Angus King
Pressure on Collins mounts as Republicans push hard to confirm Kavanaugh
Good morning from Augusta, which was far from the center of Maine’s political universe on Thursday. The day’s major political drama unfolded during almost nine hours of testimony before a U.S. Senate panel by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and professor Christine Blasey Ford, who has accused Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her while they were […]
Collins undecided on next steps after alleged Kavanaugh victim comes forward
Biding our time before ranked ballots are counted and the Maine Legislature returns
LePage’s own numbers undercut his claim that Down East prison is most expensive
Why won’t Poliquin say he went to a meeting with Donald Trump?
Good morning from Portland, but political eyes are further south of Maine to Washington, D.C., where Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump met with his party’s members of Congress on Thursday. Those meetings were a bit uncomfortable, according to The Washington Post. With senators, Trump had confrontations with Jeff Flake of Arizona and Ben Sasse of Nebraska, both of whom […]