Tag Archives: Justin Chenette
Maine Democrats could fight about these platform proposals at their convention
More investigations loom for busy Maine government watchdog
LePage tells lawmakers that municipal leaders prey on elderly Mainers
Latest call to rein in how Maine PAC money can be spent fizzles
There’s a tax deal in Congress and Collins thinks her amendments are in
The wall between Democrats and Republicans in Augusta just got higher
New poll says more than half of Mainers now disapprove of Trump
LePage’s power to oust Maine sheriffs targeted in new round of proposed bills
Maine budget negotiators remain far apart on school funding
Good morning from Augusta, where a Tuesday meeting of the Legislature’s Appropriations Committee showed just how far apart Democrats and Republicans are on education funding with a key deadline on the state’s two-year budget looming in less than a week. After closed-door partisan caucuses over the Memorial Day weekend, the committee met yesterday to take […]