Tag Archives: Matthew Pouliot
More Republicans jump into races to retain the Maine Senate
LePage’s push for a statewide teacher contract fails its first test
After voicing tepid openness to negotiating Gov. Paul LePage’s call for a statewide teacher contract, Democrats have drawn a line in the sand that could doom the proposal. Democrats on the Legislature’s Education Committee on Tuesday rejected the bill, which was sponsored by Rep. Matt Pouliot, R-Augusta. The committee votes are still coming in but […]
Riverview watchdog: LePage bill could violate court settlement
A bill from Gov. Paul LePage to place violent patients with mental illnesses — even those who haven’t been convicted of crimes — at a Maine State Prison unit may violate a court settlement, a legal expert charged with enforcing the settlement said Wednesday. The Republican governor’s proposal, which would remove violent patients from the embattled, state-run Riverview Psychiatric Center in Augusta, was condemned […]